
Joshua Eggleton
Department Chair
Phone: 619-660-4255


Gini Gomez Fine Arts Instructional Lab Assistant


Course Descriptions Featured Image

Course Descriptions

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Degrees/Certificates  Featured Image


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Art is a visual language. In order to understand our existence, artists create visual records of all the things that illustrate human emotions and concerns. Through the creation of visual media (drawing, painting, design, sculpture, photography, etc.) artists express their reactions to all life, from birth to the hereafter, and everything in between.


Program Goals

Students interested in the arts will learn from our faculty to apply artistic processes and skills, using a variety of media, to communicate meaning and intent in original works of art. They will learn to analyze the role and development of the visual arts culturally and historically, emphasizing our collective human diversity, as it relates to the visual arts and the artists that create them. At the end of your time at Cuyamaca College, students will be able to apply what they learned, in the visual arts, across subject areas (Drawing, Painting, Design, Illustration, Sculpture, etc.), to develop visual literacy and creative skills, including problem solving and visual communication, which contribute to a lifelong artistic practice and career skills in and related to the visual arts.




J. Abel
J. Eggleton
X. Eggleton
A. Enochs
M. Ford
M. Hesser
L. Karmel

C. Lewallen
O. Montano
M. Morris
M. Ramos
S. Schlichtenmyer
E. Whitman

Art Program SLO





Canvas Self-Service Support Programs
link to Canvas link to Self-Service link to Support Services
Financial Aid Counseling Apply/Enroll
link to financial aid Talk to a counselor Apply and enroll


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